Born: Peoria, IL
Paddle: Goliath
Rating: 4.0 and climbing
Hand: Lefty
Food: Italian
Movie: Elf, Gladiator, Shawshank Redemption, Because of Winn Dixie
Music: All except Metal

Kendra Schwada

Kendra Schwada (pronounced shwayduh) enjoyed most of her 25-year career working with special needs youth. She can now be found substitute teaching, appreciating nature, or kayaking when she’s not on the court. Kendra and her husband have two fun, independent college daughters. Kendra misses her girls but is also thankful to have the time to put into advancing at her favorite sport.

Kendra was introduced to pickleball in Colorado almost a year ago. Having a volleyball and softball background, it is an adjustment to learn a racquet sport, but she’s grateful for the many players and coaches who have been helpful and encouraging. She loves to soak up their feedback and practices as many hours as possible.

On the court, Kendra is focused, driven, and competitive. Off the court, she is friendly and cheerful. A consistent theme Kendra hears after playing opponents: “You seem fierce on the court, but you are so nice in person.” Kendra loves people and highly values harmonious relationships. She has used these strengths to connect with dozens of different groups of picklers in Lakeland and around Florida. She joyfully spends much of her time organizing pickleball gatherings with friends.

Kendra knew almost immediately that she loved the playability of the Phantom Goliath. The combined power and control quickly won her over, and she has never felt more confident in her reset shots against extremely hard hitters.

Knowing that Phantom Pickleball supports Special Olympics, Kendra was immediately drawn to the founders’ core values and is proud to be a member of Team Phantom. She is an asset to our business development, always active in team meetings and consistently coming forward with great ideas to grow our brand, including a willingness to help us execute because she loves the game.